Thursday 14 March 2013

What If Money was no issue?

If you didn’t have to worry about money, sleep or people’s feelings, what would you do, where would you be?

This is a question I ask all of my clients. It gives you a chance to take a step back from yourself and think objectively about your situation. So
Are you, where you want to be?

Please think about this for a moment. Although I am aware that the temptation is to read on, but…
Are you where you want to be?

Fantastic if you are, please share your story below.

Most people answer with, ‘well, no, because…’ So if I could ask you again, 

If you didn’t have to worry about money, sleep or people’s feelings, what would you do, where would you be?

In my job I ask a lot of questions, in fact, that is really all I ask. This question gets to the route of your dream and I work with the client to turn it to a Goal, make it a reality, which you can achieve if you want it enough.
I had a client, when we first met, we were going to be working on making his business more efficient, and so, I asked him the question…

If you didn’t have to worry about money, sleep or people’s feelings, what would you do, where would you be?

He didn’t want to work towards the business he came to me to talk about, instead he wanted to run a different business, one he had always dreamed of. Would it make the client happy – Yes. Would it be difficult to achieve – Yes. Did the client want it enough – Yes. Once we got talking things fell into place and within just over a year he will be running his undoubtedly successful new business which he has always wanted. He believed in change and has taken the steps to make sure this works for him.

I had another client who I asked the question…
If you didn’t have to worry about money, sleep or people’s feelings, what would you do, where would you be?

Once we established and in this case he knew his Goal, but, how does the client make it happen now, so I asked the question with a difference…
If you didn’t have to worry about money, sleep or people’s feelings, what would you do, where would you be in a week?
I can’t express enough how powerful this question is. Whether you are making a small change or a complete overhaul of your life, please ask the question.

I believe in change in people.
 I know there is a saying, ‘People don’t change’.
Yes they do, because we as human beings can, it is whether we choose to or not. We live in a culture where it is ‘easier’ to carry on living in the same way, but what if we set the bar of survival at a different level. The thing is, it is important to make the change and step outside of our comfort zone. It’s possible, even if it is a small step at a time. What would you really be sacrificing to make you happy – It’s a great question – what would you really be sacrificing to make you happy? That sacrifice is giving up something you perceive to love for doing something you love. Weird right? Although it makes sense, because of the weight we give to the seemingly unimportant things in life, it puts more pressure on us to take that first step.
We have a choice; we are born with the ability to choose. 

I have seen people make this choice, I have made it myself. I have sacrificed what I thought would make me happy to be truly happy with what I do. 

I also see people make a different sacrifice by working 40 – 60+ hours in a job they are not happy in, because they are looking forward to their retirement or their holiday. I have also heard people dying as soon as they retire. What are we working towards, a perceived future of happiness? Love the things you do now, love the people in your life. Find out why you are working in a direction you are not happy with and ask yourself if you can change it? Does it make sense to you to carry on?

‘A person is a success if they get up in the morning and gets to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do’ – Bob Dylan

I make myself better every day, I wrote a mission statement, a commitment to myself and to the people I interact with. Read it, and make your commitment, share it, set it in stone and believe in it. You will know what true happiness is and what you are willing to sacrifice ‘perceived happiness’ for. 

The things you would like to work towards has to fit with you, sometimes our commitments to family and friends has to be put first before our own. So when I talk of making a change, it has to be what fits for you and your lifestyle.

Please watch this video, I was shown it by one of my clients. I thank him for this video he is another reason to believe in working towards happiness.

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