Wednesday 6 March 2013

Can positive change work for me?

Ok so you read some inspirational stories, you have heard of plenty of success stories from celebrities inside or outside your field of expertise, you have read books, articles and everything that you hope will make a difference to your life. How much has changed? 

For Those who have said 'Nothing'
 I would like to add something to the end of that statement... 'yet'. I believe that if you feel passionate about change and feel you would like to commit to an improvement in your life, there is an extremely exciting future for you out there.
But does what we are reading really apply to our lives?
Well the chances are if you have answered with 'nothing' then we are for some reason not seeing a positive connection. So I would like to ask you another question; What is great about you? I am not going to ask you to write it down or think about it now (you may already know the answer), but do it during your day when you have some 'me' time. Once you have your mental list, ask yourself 'what have I done that has brought me some success in my life with what I am truly great at? You will have the answer.
So how do we use what makes us great for positive change. You will have to adapt it and apply it so it fits you and your environment. You will never do it the way someone else has because you are different (if you weren't different what would be the point in trying, it has been done!) and that creates a fantastic opportunity. So look at what you are reading objectively as if you were going to teach it, your subconscious mind will catch up and go "wait, we can do this, remember we thought about what you're good at, I have an answer for us!!!"
If you have glazed over what is written above you have not read the first sentence. You are not committed to change yet, this will be just another article. So I would like you to ask one last question; "is it me or the things that I read?"

For those who have said 'Well some things have worked'
So the first question I am excited to ask is what worked?
How did that make you feel when you made positive change?
Would you like to see the same results again?
What is stopping you applying the things that would make a positive difference again?
What would you like to hear yourself saying once you make these changes again?

Enough of the questions...well 1 more. Do you realise how amazing it is that you made a change?
"We are either climbing in life or declining, there is no plateau" - Tony Robbins
You climbed!
Think back to what you done and why you done it, was it that you weren’t settling for being behind anymore, was it that you had to change your environment or the people you were with, take your relationship to the next stage or finish it, start a family or a new job.
Can you create the momentum in you to make another positive step. Yes you can and this will come from raising the bar from what you are willing to accept now to what you would only like to accept in your future. Few people will raise the bar to the top straight away. But how does an Olympic high jumper start? One notch higher at a time, when that becomes the norm, raise it again!

For those that have said 'A lot has changed'
So now you have made a change in your life what is the point in reading on. Well...
What changed?
How did you do it?
If you know the answer how can you help other people to increase the quality of their lives. There are so many fantastic opportunities to be a part of. I would suggest to follow @iamtomnorman on twitter and his blog
Continue making yourself great, if you come across a wall, make yourself a giant and step over it.

This video creates a level of respect you have for why Will Smith is successful but it also applies to all successful people. Thank you to Tom Norman for pointing this video out to me. And to all my clients who have made me believe in change.

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