Friday 8 March 2013

My Mission Statement

This is Coaching Success mission statement…

My Clients.
I will always be fully engaged with my clients. I will show empathy on anything they share with me. I will never judge a client. Of course my promise is to be present with my client, but, when we meet my work goes far beyond that. When a client is committed for achieving something great, I will be right there next to them. It is all about human connection.

“The best gift man can give is his time, and attention”

The Future.
I will strive to be the best at what I do. I will continually grow in some way, every day. I will give back to community family and friends first by time and attention, then by action. I will help towards making everyone’s life I come in to contact with slightly better. I will help causes and charity’s where possible. I will make the greatest difference I can.

“It is not given to us to know what difference we can make, and perhaps we can make no difference at all. But that is no reason not to make the attempt"

I will grow in every way I can. I will grow every day. I will encourage and respect the people around me and allow them the space to grow. I will grow my understanding of the way I can help and support change in everyone. I will grow in skills and patience.

“We are either climbing in life or declining. There is no Plateau”


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